Issue 5 - January '99

The regular newsletter of The Irish Society of Diviners



Next meeting

Notice Board

Kathleen Smith's Presentation
How I Use The Pendulum in Healing Diagnostics




The next Society meeting will be on Saturday 6th February in the Parish Hall, 52 Grosvenor Rd, Rathgar, Dublin 6 at 2.30 PM.

This will be another of our ever popular practical workshops with various discussion and demonstration forums set up, catering for many different areas across the wide divining spectrum .

We hope to give special attention to 'geopathic stress' in addition to the 'healing' uses of the pendulum, etc. and we once again ask all those with experience in the various fields to please come along and share that valuable experience with us.

Our last meeting was a presentation and demonstration by Kathleen Smith, with a lecture and discussion on allergy testing and other health issues using the pendulum. The day was a resounding success and had a very high attendance - especially in view of the fact that the meeting took place so close to the Christmas.

I have included an article later in this issue to summarize some of what she said, but unfortunately those who missed her presentation on the day, will not have seen her excellent practical demonstrations.These cannot be conveyed in an article. Our heartfelt thanks to Kathleen for all the insights and information, and sharing her working experience with us on the day.

Joe Mullally



Roundup of events/services which members would like to have listed in the newsletter.

Organise ongoing lectures and fieldtrips to ancient Neolithic sites - on alignments, preservation, laylines and many other related subjects.

Upcoming events include an all inclusive trip to Newgrange on February 14th. The cost is only £25 which includes all entrance fees, coach from Dublin and evening dinner.

For further details of events, membership, etc. ring Con or Lar at 01- 4597337 or 088- 2121042

Network News, the well known Irish alternative health magazine, has a feature on Geopathic Stress in it's current issue. The magazine is available in various Health Food Stores and healing centres etc. around the country.

However, if you have any difficulties getting hold of a copy just contact me, Joe Mullally Tel 045- 865461


Summary of a presentation given by Kathleen Smith to the Society

By Joe Mullally

Kathleen Smith's approach to diagnostics in allergy testing and healing is perfectly straight-forward - she works to get the maximum information on her client's well-being in the quickest most practical way possible. Once this is completed, they move on to the strategies best suited for correcting any problems found. Practicing in this way, Kathleen has developed a wide ranging 'question & list system' for use with the pendulum. And, as she demonstrated with me during her presentation, this gives her access to a wide variety of information very rapidly and accurately indeed. The basis of the system is her 'general headings' list over which Kathleen uses the pendulum, searching out any individual problem areas under the various general headings listed below.

Food Allergies:

Broadly speaking, allergens are substances which trigger reactions and responses in our immune system when we come in contact with them. Symptoms can range widely from acute headaches and rashes through to more long term effects such as listlessness or bulimia etc. When this area of the general list reacts to the pendulum, Kathleen goes through various detailed food charts, to track precisely which foods are causing problems. The client is then asked to remove all such items from their diet for a full month. By that stage they will notice a remarkable difference in their general well-being. They may then reintroduce the foods by degrees, and one at a time, noting how much, if any, of each one they can tolerate.

Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies:

when this shows on the general list, the pendulum is used to scan a detailed list of vitamins and minerals, to get a clear picture of which substances are lacking in the client. Supplements etc. or other corrections for these deficiencies can then be recommended.

Substance Allergy:

Substance allergies can arise from contact with various allergens in our environment. Offenders can range from flower pollen or cat fur, through to washing powder residues or ordinary household tap water. Where 'substance allergies' are indicated, various sub-headings are consulted to narrow down first the area involved, and then the precise substances or products. Clients can then be advised on ways to avoid or minimize contact or exposure to these items.

Geopathic Stress:

Where this shown to be an issue, further questions are asked to determine whether the problem lies in the home or work environment. The client is then advised to have the requisite detection and correction work carried out to the offending premises.

Electromagnetic Stress:

This area concerns adverse reactions to any of the wide range of electric, electronic, radio and telecommunications radiation and fields. Where problems are indicated further questioning will give the source of the problem and the client can be advised on how best to minimize their exposure.

Bach Flower Remedies:

If the pendulum gives a 'yes' over this item on the general list, then Kathleen proceeds to dowse the list of Bach Remedies to find the one required by the client at this time. In addition to recommending that the remedy be taken, a reading of it's profile can give Kathleen valuable insight into the clients' current emotional state of mind and well-being.


When this item gives a 'yes' on the general list, Kathleen uses her pendulum on a list of the various stones and crystals, and recommends the stone which it indicates, to the client advising that it be carried on the person to help with their circumstances or situation.


When this item is indicated the pendulum is applied to a list of positive affirmations, including those from Louise L. Hay's book 'You Can Heal Your Life'. The affirmation this indicates is then given to the client together with ideas on how best to use it for encouraging improvement in their life.

Kathleen's pendulum session using her 'general list' and the 'follow on's' from it, is at the heart of her method and approach. And, as diviners, this is the aspect of her work which most concerns us here. However, Kathleen also uses a whole range of other techniques in her practice, including kinesiology and touch for health routines. One of the greatest strenghts of her divining system surely lies in the cross reference it provides, since one can compare the information divined from the various different areas with eachother, making sure everything correlates. Moreover, the wide diversity of the areas she covers here, yields a broad range of information giving her the best overall perspective on the client's current well-being.

Contact details
Mrs. Kathleen Smith
Co. Meath.

Telephone: 353 - (0)46 - 27640


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